§ 98-95. Maximum allowable mineral presence.  

Latest version.
  • No discharge into a sanitary sewer system may contain pollutants at concentrations greater than the maximum allowable concentrations listed as follows:

    Concentration (mg/l) Mass (lb./day)
    Description (Over 10,000 gpd) (Under 10,100 gpd)
    Antimony * *
    Arsenic 0.9 0.075
    Barium 5.0 0.42
    Beryllium 13.0 1.08
    Bismuth * *
    Boron 1.0 0.083
    Cadmium 1.0 0.083
    Chloride 250. 21.
    Chromium, total 6.3 0.525
    Cobalt * *
    Copper 2.4 0.200
    Lead 1.0 0.083
    Manganese 5.0 0.47
    Mercury 0.005 0.0004
    Molybdenum * *
    Nickel 4.0 0.33
    Rhenium * *
    Selenium 1.0 0.083
    Silver 0.05 0.004
    Strontium * *
    Tellurium 1.0 0.083
    Tin 1.0 0.083
    Uranyl ion * *
    Zinc 1.0 0.083
    Cyanide, total 0.7 0.058
    Phenol 2.0 0.167
    Oil and grease (total) 150. 12.
    Oil and grease (mineral) 25. 2.
    Herbicides, pesticides and fungicides * *
    Total toxic organics** 2.13 0.178
    Surfactants (as MBAS) 200. 16.68


     *Shall not exceed background levels naturally present in the surface waters of the area.

    **Total toxic organics is the summation of all quantifiable values greater than 0.01 milligrams per liter (mg/l) for the organic compounds listed in 40 CFR 433.11(e).

    (Ord. No. 2008-0005, 5-12-2008)
