§ 98-155. User fee charges.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the policy of the city that funding for the stormwater utility be equitably derived through methods which have a demonstrable relationship to the varied demands and impacts imposed on the stormwater systems and programs and/or the level of service provided as a result of the provision of stormwater programs, services and facilities. Service charges for stormwater management shall be fair and reasonable and shall bear a substantial relationship to the cost of providing programs, services and facilities and acquiring property. The cost of stormwater programs, services and facilities may include operating, capital investment, and reserve expenses, and may consider stormwater quality as well as stormwater quantity management requirements. Similarly situated properties shall be charged similar rentals, rates, charges, fees, tolls, or licenses.

    Service charge rates shall be designed to be consistent and coordinated with the use of other funding methods employed for stormwater management by the city, whether within or outside the stormwater utility, including but not limited to plan review and inspection fees, special fees for services, fees in-lieu of regulatory requirements, impact fees, system development charges, and special assessments.

    The rate structure will be developed by October 2006 and will be documented in the Stormwater Utility Implementation Guidebook. In order to fully recover the cost of providing stormwater management services and systems while fairly and reasonably apportioning the cost among developed properties throughout the city, the city will conduct an evaluation of rates.

    The service charge will be based on the amount of impervious surfaces on a particular property that is developed, while undeveloped properties will not be assessed a stormwater utility fee. Stormwater utility rates will be reviewed on an annual basis and any rate changes will be approved by the city council. While the rate structure has not yet been determined but will be documented in the Stormwater Utility Guidebook, the option for non-residential properties to be billed on a quarterly basis will be offered.

(Ord. of 5-9-2006(2))